
Showing posts from February, 2023

Reopening of Candle & Cauldron

Betcha thought I forgot Valentine's day yesterday. Well it turns out I finally found something to use in my witch's love spellcasting... ... and I found it in a reopened Candle & Cauldron in Lacrimosa. The reopening was announced in the C&C group chat along with a 30% sale to celebrate. There are lots of returnees of formerly retired products, like those "Witch is in" signs that nearly every shop I visit has. Along with the love candle decor pictured above, I picked up a store building (L$75 knocked down to the ridiculous price of  L$53). More content is yet to be added so I will be teleporting back over every day or so for a while. Love & Light, ♒️ Aqua ♒️

Wanderlust Weekend: 11-12 February

I had an extremely productive shopping trip via Wanderlust Weekend yesterday. My first stop was to Spells and Charms to Go where I picked up a lilac floating heart that emits particle stars. By the way, in this photo you can see I'm wearing my casual shopping outfit: Morgan shoes, my LBD Dragon Scale trousers , a LiViD Macabre t-shirt and blazer (a free gift I think) and My Blvck Hat from Blaise. My shopping bag is an Oubliette one and is the bag one of my Witchy Hangout gachas came in. I have collected quite a few secondhand transfer-only pieces at very reasonable prices (for no more than L$50 on the Marketplace) to furnish my living room. Speaking of Oubliette and Witchy Hangout: the set is included in the Wanderlust sale so I popped over to Petite Mort to pick up the coordinating books and the wallhangings (all copy and mod).  Oubliette is also taking part and you can find the Luxe set included in the sake. I picked up the lovely Persian rug.  The sale continues through to...

The Fantasy Community Center

At the beginning of last week I showed you my flying bed, well today I thought I'd show you where I took that bed: Fantasy Community Center in Eyrie . The landmark will take you to right about where I'm standing, on a jetty on the northern coast of Fantasseria. There are multiple rezzing points for your boats on the ocean-side with this impressive Lord of the Rings Elven-style building on the land-side. If you step down on to the grass to the side of those impressive steps you'll find benches to sit and rest and coracles (small round boats) that you can take to explore underneath the Community Center. In the photo below you'll see that the river winds between the jetty and the crystal-strewn grass on the opposite riverbank and through an archway beneath the building. It's a perfect hangout for mermaids and I shall show you in a later post. Climb that impressive staircase though and on the first landing you'll find a wooden sign that allo...

Valentine Shop & Hop Haul

Well I've had time to unpack my gifts from the Valentine's Shop & Hop and I thought I'd share my haul. In this picture, you can see: Topiary heart and lights from Never Totally Dead Valentine's Stepping Stones from The Looking Glass Je t'aime garden from Simply Shelby Rose scented candle from {:: The Moonstone Studio ::} Be My Valentine gift from The Looking Glass Also in the picture is my swan seat from Oanez (it used to be a gacha so you can pick up transfer-only versions from the Marketplace, but mine is a copy version that I got in a sales event - probably the Wanderlust Weekend). Note that although I've placed the Be My Valentine gift on the wall as a decorative sign, it's actually a couples pose stand. But like most witches I'm single.... I've also tried out the tattoo gifts. The Lilithé gift is a small tintable heart tattoo that you wear on your chest. There's an outline and solid version and you can wear them separately or combine...

Not just broomsticks: a flying bed

While witches are notorious for flying by broomsticks, we have been known to use other objects as vehicles: Mary Poppins travels via umbrella (read the books if you haven't noticed her witchiness before) and Ron and Harry flew a Ford Anglia to Hogwarts. Fans of the classic movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks will know that it features a flying bed. To activate it you must turn the magically enhanced bedknob, recite a short spell and your bed, yourself and your passengers are flying. The Bedknob Magic Bed from *Remembers* is based on that flying bed. It seats up to 5 passengers and is ideal for trips where you'd rather not teleport. Just wear the bed, touch the bedknob and you're off. In Fantassseria banlines and avatar expellers other than Linden Lab's own official version are banned. This means that as long as you're above the treetops you can fly anywhere you want unhindered. For longer journeys I like to open the World Map and select the region I'm aiming for, th...

Do you really need to spend upwards of £40-50 just to have a Second Life avatar you're not embarrassed to be seen out in?

How much do you think my avatar cost to put together? I often see people discussing how much you need to spend to have a decent looking avatar and am shocked. Firstly because the cost involved is incredible and secondly because, well to be honest I think much, much cheaper alternatives are excellent. I mostly wear LiViD's clothes (the Wednesday dress in the image above is a LiViD group gift) as their aesthetic matches my preferred style, even better, LiViD clothing is suitable for all - including classic avatars. This means that my incentive to acquire an expensive mesh body in order to be able to wear a preferred designer's offerings is much diminished. However, I also wear some fabulous clothes from Pixicat (e.g. the Bastet range in Maitreya) so yes, I do own a mesh body. The hair in this picture is from RAMA.SALON ( Wednesday in Chromatic with the Styler HUD used - my breasts aren't huge so the default placement of the pigtails looks silly) and it w...

The Witch Guide to navigating the Valentine's Shop & Hop 2023

Linden Lab's Valentine Shop & Hop is a huge event - 14 regions with 280 merchants. Finding your way around such a monster is no mean feat. Don't worry though I've got you covered. If you just want to explore each region visit the Destination Guide . If you want a complete listing of all the merchants involved click here . When visiting a big event it's a good idea to press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + 4. This shortcut that will prevent your computer from attempting to rez any avatar (including yourself). It really cuts down on lag. Here's my list of mythical, magical and gothic stores to start off your shopping trip: ::ANGELICUS::  - Viking/fantasy store .: Runic :. - Magical mesh creations {:: The Moonstone Studio ::} - Magical furry Caverna Obscura - Fantasy apparel Cerridwen's Cauldron   - Fantasy garden Fantavatar & Moonstruck - Medieval/fantasy Jinx - Magical animals kaos tattoo - Tattoos Lilithé - Tattoos Medieval Fantasy - Medieval/fantasy Nev...

The Well-Read Witch Coven: February 2023

I met up with my good friend Kaia today (she is the pastel goth with pink dipped-end hair on the left of the photo) to hold our first get-together as The Well-Read Witch Coven and talk about the book we'd both been reading - The Witch by Ronald Hutton. We thought it was interesting and educational and it was amazing how near universal a belief in witchcraft and omens and supernatural powers is around the world and across time, but we're looking forward to reading a page-turning fiction book now. Our next book is  The Invisible Library , by Genevieve Cogman. We were thinking it would be nice to combine it with a trip to the SL Community Virtual Library. Please join our group if you'd like to come along too. Love & Light, ♒️ Aqua ♒️

Imbolc 2023

In my study I have a wooden wheel of the year from Candle & Cauldron (C&C are reorganising both their in-world and marketplace stores so there is no link currently available). As you can see the wheel tells me that today (February 1st) we have the start of Imbolc (or St. Brigid's Day or Candlemas). St. Brigid's Day is celebrated in Ireland with milk and honey (like this MB Imbolc Moon Milk ) potatoes, and woven crosses (this one is from John Dee's Emporium ), made of rushes or straw. These crosses are left out in the light of the moon and then hung above doors and windows for protection, especially against fires. Love & Light, ♒️ Aqua ♒️