Is Roimira's half-submerged house a sign that mermaids are coming to Linden Homes?

I was exploring one of the newly released coastal regions near my home, Roimira, and came upon this half-submerged house.

Clearly I was not appropriately dressed for a dip in the ocean so I came back in the light with a tail and a swimming AO.

Many residents have been bemoaning the lack of variety in Fantasseria. All the houses are of the Lord of the Rings elven style. There are no hobbit houses, there are no dark and creepy witch houses (despite witches clearly being considered as potential residents - my home region of Gaunt Ring is named for Marvolo Gaunt's ring that is one of the horcruxes in the Harry Potter series), certainly no mermaid houses.

Certainly it's interesting to explore the Protected Areas, there are often unexpected Easter Eggs, but hopefully we can expect some more variety in housing-type to come.

Love & Light,

♒ Aqua ♒ 

Shopping List
Deep seas: free tail
Tableau vivant: Evenfall gacha hair


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