Modifying an object's texture using the Color Picker window

Sometimes you find an object that you really like, but it's not quite perfect. If you could just tweak the textures you'd be happy.

As long as your object has Modify permissions you can change it.

Start by right-clicking on the object you want to change. Here I have a great table from Botanica's Nevermore range. I really like it, but I don't want the blood stains.

To hide them what I did was select the Select Face option button from the top of the Build window. Then click on the object face that I want to change. The table top is blood stained so I selected that face. You'll know you have the correct face selected when it's the surface that has the crosshairs icon showing and the other faces no longer have crossbars displayed.

Below the option buttons and check boxes there are five buttons: General, Object, Features, Texture and Content. Make sure that Texture is selected. The Color begins as white, but to hide the blood stains it needs to be darker. Click on the white button and the Color Picker window opens. You can tint your object any colour you want using this window. On the right you can tint it in various shades of grey. Having selected my preferred grey, I dragged it below to save it for all the bloodied faces in the Nevermore range.

♒ Aqua ♒ 


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