House tour: the kitchen
My kitchen is where you will always find a tasty meal ready for unexpected guests. Here you see my C&C cauldron keeping chicken soup warm, while my musical cauldron brews something pink that will - if the music is to be believed - put a spell on you. If you come over to visit me do feel free to help yourself, but be careful you don't mix them up or you may fall in love with me.
Like most witches, I never do anything that a good spell can't take care of for me, so in the corner you'll enchanted broom from C&C sweeping up the dust and crumbs.
The wall texture is from Creative Idol and has been applied to the walls in as close as possible to maximum size instead of being tiled. The texture (Goth Babe) has a painterly feel that looks better in a kitchen as a stencil-effect rather than minimised - wallpaper being completely impractical in a witch's kitchen with its near constant source of steam.
♒ Aqua ♒
Shopping List
Candle and Cauldron: Enchanted Broom, Kitchen Witch Hearth, Classic Cauldron with Simple Ingredients Basket
The Arcadian Minstrel: Musical Cauldron
Little Llama: Kitchen Witch Sink (gacha)
Dysfunctionality: Simple Wooden Table
Krescendo: Drying Star
Creative Idol: Goth Babe texture in tan (wallpaper)
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